After a long time , I am writing something. Many things kept me busy. These days, many thoughts crossed my minds but a few struck me.
It was raining cats and dogs in Mumbai that day. As usual i had taken 8.20 shuttle. Already the roads were water logged. Sitting in window seat, listening to my ipod songs I was happy and set.
Suddenly I saw a small boy, may be 10 years old driving a bicycle with all his energy. It was difficult for him to pedal still he was trying hard against the winds and heavy rains. A Box saying "ShivSagar Hotel , Free home delivery within 30 minutes" laid on his carrier.
Suddenly a thought crossed my mind, we take leave on rainy days saying its too tacky to come to office in heavy rains . Can this guy take a leave from his job for 1 day??
The answer was big No. 1 day leave means no food for 1 day.
He was not just struggling against rains, he was struggling against his fate.
In the age where books and playgroups are your best friends, that bicycle and box was his best friend.
Some people are less fortunate. and fortunate ones are less fortunate to even acknowledge it.
Do we ever think , how lucky we are to have a perfect body. Perfect in the sense i am not talking about 36-24-36 or 6 pack abs..I am talking about having basic things in place. Having 2 eyes through which we can see this beautiful world, 2 hands to eat and write or type whatever our mind says, 2 ears to listen to chirping of birds, skin to feel someones touch ... Ok got into thinking mode ?? did u ??
Just imagine if any one of your organs malfunction or u r not graced with it how different the world would be...
Human tendency is to complain, to grudge about things.
We complain that horns are too loud on roads we cant bear it... think about someone who is dying to hear simple sound of a bell.
We complain saying my eyes could have been blue, they would have looked so beautiful..
Think about people who haven't even seen this very beautiful world. Who are not so blessed.
My point here is not to compare the blessed or less blessed people,
But just to remind that we have forgotten to thank God for all the beautiful gifts he has given us.
For giving us life, for giving us this body, for giving us food , for giving us work, for giving us everything we need to enjoy this life..
Life is something so subjective. For some its living with all comforts, for some it is earning 1 time meal.
For some its having best in the world, for some having at least 1 in the world.
But at last Life is life.. U either live it to fullest or keep cribbing for the rest..
:) :) :)